10. Elliott Smith: Xo
I was 37. It was again a time of transition. I would even say that it was the biggest crisis of my life as an adult.
I have always considered myself to be one of the lucky few. Since I was a kid, I had known that I was going to make music and that I would make a living out of it, one way or the other. But in recent times, it had become a burden.
2 of my closest allies in my musical endeavors, Gilles Loes on bass and, a few months later, James Gierens on guitar, had left the band. It felt like everything was falling apart. They always were and are more than just some random dudes I happened to play music with. I felt lost and incomplete.
When your entire existence revolves around that mission you created for yourself, things are getting very uncomfortable when you discover that you built your castle on thin ice.
In this strange period before finding my way again, Elliott Smith took me in his arms. Musically speaking of course. There were other people that took me in their arms for real. As I said, I‘m a lucky guy.
I had known Elliott Smith for a long time but never really listened to this troubled guy and his artful songs. Maybe I was too self-centered and simply not ready for it. Xo and the music of Elliott Smith is as sad and soothing as it gets. It puts things in perspective when you lost your shit.